
How To Make Homemade Grape Wine

A glass of red wine and with a red glitter flower in the back ground. Caption - Home Made Grape Wine. Image for pinning

This homebrew with grapes locally known as Munthiri vino is brewed with intendance at homes in the western ghats of India. Homebrewing has been part of human being culture from the time we started wondering most what to do with the backlog harvest. This grape wine is the result of such attempts by generations.


  • Homebrewing in Southward Republic of india
  • My Grape Vino Journey
  • Choosing Grapes
  • Traditional Recipes
  • Recipe

Home Made Grape Wine from south India

A sip of bootleg wine and a slice of X'mas fruit cake is something we look frontward to every yr. The fruit cake is rich, full of spices, and studded with dried fruits while the homemade wine is full-bodied with just a hint of spices. 1 does not have to an expert winemaker or distiller to make this. To be off-white information technology is more of a dessert than an alcoholic beverage. Grapes, sugar, and a impact of spice – these are all the ingredients you lot need. There is a secret ingredient here, time, a few weeks of it to be exact – simply all that wait is entirely worth information technology.

Homebrewing in S India

Where I grew up, this kind of homebrewing was something half the population did, while the other one-half raised their eyebrows and wished someone would force them to try it. Humans are very resourceful, especially when information technology comes to our favorite food and drinks. Then don't be surprised if that bottle of arishtam – the Ayurvedic medicinal drink – that you institute tucked away in the corner of the kitchen cabinet at aunt M'due south place turns out to exist something entirely dissimilar.

Drinks fabricated from palm sap, cashew apples, and other fruits are popular throughout the region.  The homemade versions range from mildly fizzy drinks to higher alcoholic concentrations that could knock you out in a sip. The ones fabricated at dwelling unremarkably tend to be on the milder side, simply always exercise caution if someone offers you one of these.

Coming back to the wine in mitt – I remember my mom fermenting gooseberries with spices to make this delicious Nellikka Arishtam. Nellikka or Gooseberries are packed with nutrients and this was a succulent way to make us all eat it! It wasn't until we all left abode that she decided to take winemaking more seriously! Makes y'all wonder what brought it on! Anyhow the last fourth dimension I visited she had this amazing chambakka (rose apple) vino waiting for me. Love you AMMA – you are the all-time ♥

Home Made Grape Wine - from south India

My Grape Wine Journeying

Getting back to my vino journey a piffling over a decade ago nosotros had planted a couple of grapevines in our backyard. Just one of them took and nosotros found out that it produced these dainty plump Concord grapes, the just catch was the seeds. Kids (and some grownups) now seem to exist offended by the errand seed! Plain, we have get such fragile creatures that a few seeds can ruin our day! Anyhow at that place was plenty leftover.

So there I was left with well-nigh 60 lbs of night purple grapes. There are some resourceful ladies I know, who would take turned these to raisins, or fabricated jams and squashes. Merely what did I do? Well like a proud Malayali, I went back to my roots and fabricated vino. Was that a mistake? Yes, of course, big time. As it turns out at present I accept to brand it every year!

Choosing Grapes

In commercial winemaking there are prized varieties of fruit, just non then in homebrews. And each batch develops its distinct flavors.  So utilise what y'all take.

The thing to go on in mind is that the grapes in the supermarket are ordinarily treated with chemical agents to inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria. These prevent fermentation. We can employ products to clean out the chemicals and add yeast to kick start fermentation. Simply that is non a path I advise or like to take. For ane it is as well much work and for another, there will be traces of chemicals remaining. Home brewing is all nigh sitting dorsum and enjoying life. So I would rather get out and expect for organic untreated grapes.

Traditional Recipe for Bootleg Grape Vino

Traditional recipes utilize equal quantities of fruit and sugar. The batter historic period for less than a month. This makes a sweet drink with infinitesimal traces of alcohol. The same concoction when allowed to ferment longer, 3 months or more, develops more circuitous flavors. If y'all are buying this from a local bakery in the Western Ghats, y'all volition be getting the sugariness version, with nary a trace of alcohol.

Most of the traditional recipes call for boiled water and wheat kernels or yeast as a starter. In my feel, the organic grape does not need whatsoever starter every bit the ambient yeast does a great chore. To me adding commercial yeast changes the microbial content and the final product has one flat flavor instead of the more than complex, nuanced flavors each crop and season create.

The process of making grape wine is pretty like shooting fish in a barrel. The most important part is to go along everything clean and dry. The utensils, the fruit, and anything else that you use in the process should be clean and dry out. Wash and dry the grapes. Layer the grapes and saccharide in the container in alternating layers. Top with a layer of carbohydrate. Brand sure that the container is large enough to concord the fruits and fill about two/three of the manner. This is an added insurance confronting overflow during fermentation.

Traditionally Bharani, large ceramic containers, were the jars of selection. The idea is to use not-reactive containers. I have seen terracotta and ceramic used for this, never plastic or metallic. Here I have used glass. When using drinking glass containers embrace them with clothe/brown paper bags to prevent the calorie-free from getting in. All you have to do now is to wait for the yeast and bacteria to work their magic.

Many recipes phone call for mixing the contents once a day for a few days. I find this to be unnecessary if at that place is enough room for expansion in the jar. If the CO2 generated tin can escape slowly and then there is nothing to worry about. If y'all are unsure, then cheque on the jar every other twenty-four hour period for the first calendar week and open the lid to vent if necessary.

Half full wine glass on a festive table.

Now that is a banquet for the optics! Strain the clear liquid and  enjoy !

Glasses with red wine on a festive table.

Habitation Made Grape Wine

A abode made festive wine typically enjoyed during X'mas.

Course Drinks

Cuisine India

  • 500 g Grapes 1 lb
  • 250 – 500 g Sugar 1 to 2 C


  • 1 Cinnamon Stick
  • 3 Cloves
  • Remove the grapes from the stem, wash and dry well.

  • Clean and dry a big non reactive jar (see notes).

  • Measure the saccharide and ready aside. Accommodate sugar per taste, utilize equal amount in weight of the grapes for the sweet wine.

  • Divide the carbohydrate and grapes into equal number of portions. Take one portion of the grapes and place in the jar. Shell it lightly with the back of a wooden spoon and then the juices begin to ooze out. Layer a portion of the sugar.

  • Repeat this process until all the fruit is used up. Crush the last layer of fruit and add the add together the cinnamon stick and cloves. End with layer of sugar.

  • Close the lid and store in a dark identify, abroad from light and heat.

  • 24 hours later milkshake the jar lightly to distribute the sugar and spices evenly. Repeat this process for 5 days. If the mix froths to the superlative open the lid a little to vent. Close and return to the storage area.

  • Go on the jar undisturbed for at to the lowest degree 21 days. For more than complex flavors keep information technology for iii months. Open the jar and strain the juices into a clean dry bottle.

  • Serve chilled.

  • Apply whole spices and organic grapes.
  • Fill the jars merely two/3 of the way through.
  • Go on the jars away from sunlight. If using glass jars cover with chocolate-brown paper bags or clothes to block light.

Of import: Diet Values are estimates. Actuals vary based on ingredients and serving size.

After staining off the clear liquid, squeeze the fruit to extract every final chip of goodness from it. You could as well, but the second extraction is not as flavorful as the first.

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are my personal views and need to be taken with a compression of salt – or a bottle of expert wine as the case may exist. While open to interpretation please employ your judgment when making and consuming alcoholic beverages and at all times obey the local laws.

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